
SUNDAYS || 9:30 AM
Join us Sundays at 9:30 AM as we gather to worship in song and in the study of God's Word.
We would love to have you with us for this time of worship, learning, and fellowship. We hope to see you here!

SATURDAY, MAR. 22 || 10:00 AM
East Hills' Women's Ministry will be hosting a ladies' Whimsical Tea Party on Saturday, March 22nd, from 10:00 AM-1:00 PM.
Any ladies joining us for this free event can expect tea sandwiches, desserts, table discussions, fellowship, worship music, and an encouraging testimony from our own Kelli Rink.
Be sure to wear your favorite fascinator, hat, or tea party best, and we'll see you there!

APRIL 11-12
East Hills' Men's Ministry will be hosting a Father-Kiddo Camping trip from Friday, April 11th through Saturday, the 12th, at Yucaipa Regional Park.
This will be a memorable time that will include great food, smores, games, Frisbee golf, and spending quality time with kids and grandkids.
Pricing is $50 per adult, and $10 per child.
Sign up in the lobby on a Sunday morning, and we'll see you there!

MAY 2-4
East Hills' Women's Ministry will be running a Women's Retreat at Kemper Campbell Ranch from Friday, May 2nd-Sunday, May 4th.
$50 deposit to hold your spot, $200 in full due April 11th.
Sign up in the lobby on a Sunday morning.